Our medicine policy is written in line with the requirements set out in “Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage” (DSCF 2008) Prescribed Medicine Medicines will be accepted into the nursery when essential, that is when it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the nursery day.

We will only accept Medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, Nurse or Pharmacist Medicines MUST always be provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instruction for administration.



Non- Prescribed Medicine

 In some cases Non-prescribed medication will be accepted, but only with prior written consent and only when there is a health reason to do so. Aspirin will not be administered unless prescribed, for temperature relief a 5ml dose of Calpol, Nurofen may be held in the nursery (sachet).


This policy includes effective management systems to support individual children with long term or complex medical needs. The nursery has to know about any particular needs before a child begins attending, or when they first develop the medical need.


A care plan will be completed for children with specific medical needs, involving the parents and relevant health professionals. Sickness and Infection Control Children MUST be well enough to attend the nursery and to participate in the full range of experiences on offer, including access to opportunities outdoors Discussions with parents MUST include the procedure for children who are ill or infectious and the need for parents to inform the nursery about any illness or condition affecting their child.


This MUST include the possibility of exclusion as well as the procedures for contacting parents or another person identified on the Child Collection Authorisation Form if their child becomes ill.

Exclusions and Notifications  

There are some infections that require exclusion periods from the nursery to ensure the control of the spread of infection, where available guidance from Health Protection Agency is followed. These exclusions also apply to staff who have recorded an absence due to an infection. Particular reference is made to the exclusion periods for sickness and diarrhoea. Common diseases and symptoms requiring exclusion:


-Disease/symptoms - //-Exclusion period -

Chicken Pox/shingles // Seven days from onset of rash or until spots have dried up

Conjunctivitis   // Until treatment has begun

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting // Until symptom free for 48 hrs

Influenza  // Until child feels well

Whopping cough  // After antibiotics have been taken for at least 5 days



Collection Policy  

Staff will only permit a child to be taken from the setting by an authorised person. Authorised persons are those recorded on the Child Collection Authorisation form. This form hold photographs of parents and authorised persons, as well as details of a password to be used. This password is to be created by the parent when completing the child collection authorisation form. If a parent is unable to collect their child there will be other authorised persons on the form and the Manager will ask the person collecting the child to give the agreed password. The photograph on the file and Password will be checked as identification before the child is handed over. This information should be given by parents during the child's settling in period. On no account will a child be allowed to leave the premises without the above process being followed, even if the child recognises and acknowledges the person attempting to collect them.



The ratios for staffing are as per those set out in the EYFS Statutory Framework and are based on the following age groups: ∙ 0-2 years- 1:3 ∙ 2-3 years- 1:4 ∙ 3-5 years- 1:8



If you have an issue or comment, we assure you that your views will be taken seriously. In the first instance you should contact the Centre Manager in person, by telephone or letter and she will do her very best to solve your enquiry to your satisfaction whilst ensuring confidentially at all times. All official complaints must be put in writing and will be responded to by the person investigating your complaint, who will be a senior member of management, within 28 days. A senior member of management will fully investigate your complaint and will include in their response to you: ∙ How their investigation was conducted and what steps were taken to ensure that the investigation was completed as fully as possible. ∙ What action was taken with regards to the complaint made ∙ Any improvements made or actions enforced which have been made in order to ensure that the problem does not occur again.


Data Protection

As a company we acknowledge that all personal data supplied to us will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


Outings being outdoors have a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and supports all aspects of their learning and development. Well planned outings within the local neighbourhood will provide children with opportunities to engage with and develop their knowledge and understanding of the wider world and of those who live and work in the local community We will require permission from parents before children are taken on outings.


Vicharles Play Centre believe that every child, regardless of age, race or gender has at all times and in all situations a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in him or her being physically or psychologically damaged. Should VPC have any concerns about a child’s physical, sexual or emotional well-being, we will take action.


Safeguarding Policies

A full copy of all policies and procedures is available in our Office for parents to view at any time. Key policies will also be discussed with you during your child's settling in period.


Mobile Phones  

The use of Mobile Phones is not permitted by any person whilst within the Centre


DBS Checks

All Vicharles Play Centre staff / Management Committee / Volunteers  are checked with the DBS. Whilst we are waiting for the results of these checks, they will never be unsupervised with the children.


Lone Working

 VPC  does not allow Lone Working. In order to ensure this we plan staffing to ensure that there are always two members of staff from each room working at all times.


Behaviour Management

 The Welfare Requirements state ‘Children’s Behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs’. We have a Designated Person (Centre Manager) who co-ordinates Behaviour Management issues within the Setting.


This person works to ensure that the staff team provides the following:

A physical environment that is safe, well organised and stimulating Activities, resources and equipment that are appropriate for the children’s ages and stages of development Opportunities for children to become involved in their own learning environment including the setting of rules and boundaries.  An organised environment that provides plenty of well-planned and age appropriate activities.


A consistent approach from the staff team that is both age and developmentally appropriate, where expectations have been made clear to everyone involved with the care of the children including their parent.  Any concerns relating to your child's development can be discussed with your child's keyworker who will be happy to provide you with advice and support.


Health and Safety 


Vicharles Play Centre Management Committee will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees and provide training/ supervision and information as they need for this purpose. It is our responsibility for the Health & Safety of other people - Children/adult who may be using our premises /Services. We accept the responsibility of working with the staff to ensure Health & safety measures are carried out in a proper manner within the guidelines to ensure the absence of risk and hazard to all within Vicharles Play Centre as reasonably practicable.


Duty includes:

• Maintaining any place of work (centres) for which we have responsibility in a condition that is safe and without risk to health.

• Providing and maintaining equipment/play equipment, appliances machinery and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health.

• Providing information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure the health a safety of staff.

• Providing arrangement for ensuring the safety of staff providing arrangement for ensuring the safety and absence of risk to health from use, handling, storage and transport of any articles and substance.

• Maintaining any place of work for which we have responsibility in a condition that is safe and without risk to health.

• Maintaining the access to and exit from the workplace so that it is safe and without risk to health.



We will only give prescribed medicines to the children, and all medicines must have the date, dosage and child’s name on the label. Parents/carers must sign an agreement instructing us on how much to give and when. Medicines are kept out of the reach of the children at all time, either in the fridge or in a locked cupboard. Parents must stick to these precautions and not leave medicines anywhere else in the building, including handbags or holdalls that the children could gain access to. If you give your child medicine at home, please tell us when you get to the Centre in case the child later reacts to the medication.


Behaviour Management Procedure/Behaviour in the Centre:

All children attending this play centre are expected to behave in a manner that will be conducive to proper well-being of other children in the centre. However, any child that is found to be destructive will be subjected to procedure measure that is commensurate with his/her attitude.

Any equipment, etc that is broken from his/her action will be replaced by their Parents/carer. There will be no smacking of any child. The play worker/teacher should be firm and at the same time be cautious when talking to the child. There will be no shouting or name-calling. The play worker/teacher should ask the child to sit by him/herself for about 5-10 minutes at a corner with an adult present at all times. Let the child realise why he/she is being secluded from other children.


In severe cases of Misconduct or Disruption:

The child will be suspended from the centre for one day. If the child’s behaviour is persistent, he/she will be excluded or expelled from the centre.


Disciplinary Procedure:

On allegation against any member of staff the Line Manager will investigate the matter within four working days and report his/her finding to the Chair. The Chair will consider the merits and demerits of the case and decide if further investigation would be necessary in order to ensure fairness and justice before any disciplinary action is taken against the member of staff. The police, social services, Ofsted will be informed. Where the Chair decides that further investigation will be taken then the member of staff under investigation will be suspended from his/her normal duties until the investigation is completed. Where the allegation is false then the member of staff who made the allegation will face disciplinary action.


All allegations must be in writing and all investigations will be properly documented. The Chair on receipt of the detailed report will convene a meeting of the Management committee if practicable The Management Committee will decide the appropriate disciplinary action against the member of staff. If the allegation is in respect of child Abuse the chair will report the matter to the Police for criminal proceeding, Ofsted local authority child protection team will also be notified. If the allegation is against the manager the Chair of the Management Committee is Line manager. Throughout this text the Vice-Chair will acts as the Chair in the absence of the substantive Chair.


Collecting Your Child:

We will never let a child go with somebody who is not known to us or whom we are not expecting, even if the child knows who the person is. Children under the age of fifteen are not allowed to collect children from the centre. If anyone other than yourself will be picking up your child, you will need to let us know who they are, and preferably, let us meet whoever it is beforehand.


Persistent lateness:

Children who are not collected by 7pm will remain on site until 7.30pm (with parent/carers paying a penalty fee charge of £2.50 every minute) at least, after which time the child(ren) will be taken to the local Police Station. Social Services/Ofsted will also be informed.


Fire Drill:

We hold regular fire drills in the Centre. This not only helps us improve our procedures in getting everyone out of the building very quickly, but also get the children used to the very loud ringing noise! Should you be in the building when the alarm sounds, please follow the staffs instruction carefully. On no account should you return to the building until you have been given the all clear by a member of staff.



We do everything we can to prevent accidents, but unfortunately, even with the best care in the world, accidents do happen. Where minor injuries only occur, first aid will be administered and you will be informed of the accident when you collect your child at the end of the day. If we are at all concerned, we will take the child straight to the nearest hospital, telephone you and ask you to meet us there. If we cannot contact you, we will take whatever action is necessary for your child s health. All accidents and injuries are recorded in the accident report form/book which you may see at any time.


Equal Opportunities Statement:

Vicharles play centre is committed to a positive policy of equal opportunity in the delivery of its services and employment. Vicharles Play Centre will actively oppose racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination carried out on the grounds of Colour, Creed, National/Ethnic origin, Social background, Disability, Age, Sexual Orientation, Marital Status, Religion and HIV Status. Services will be accessible to those who need or want them.


Vicharles Play Centre will endeavour to design its services to meet the need of all community and promote equal opportunities to ensure that it is integrated throughout the organisation. We care for the children by promoting positive images and self respect. We encourage them to play with all play equipment/material, that will encourage them to learn about different cultures. We hope this will lead to a greater understanding of each other. And promote community cohesion.


Everyone who uses the services provided will be expected to comply with the equal opportunity policy likewise everyone who works for the Vicharles Play Centre will be expected to carry out their duties with regard to the equal opportunity policy. If there is anything that you feel goes against this statement, please report it immediately so that we can deal with it.


Please also tell us if you are concerned about anything we may be doing, so that we can talk it through and hopefully come to some understanding. We are not perfect and aim to be open to criticism and helpful comments. Please use our suggestion box at the centre for your comments.



Discipline and behaviour in the Centre:

We believe, and have found, that patience and reassurance are the most effective ways of encouraging “good behaviour” and stopping aggression. We achieve this by talking through difficult events with the children, and giving them the words to express themselves such as “angry” and “sad”.


We do not smack, push or shake children, nor do we encourage them to do likewise, as these do not teach the children what was wrong in the first place. Instead we teach them to be assertive by encouraging them to say “no”, even to members of staff, if they don’t want something. We believe our method gives them choices and enables them to learn from their own or others mistakes.


Bullying in any form will not be tolerated neither will offensive behaviour (swearing, spitting, name calling etc.) Any unacceptable behaviour will result in immediate parental involvement and may lead to exclusion.