Learning and developing at:


3-15 months


Key Person System

The key person meets the needs of each child in their care and responds sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour. The Key Person is also the person who helps a child to settle into their new environment and works to build a strong relationship with the parent.


Partnership with parents

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and should be centrally involved in their child's experiences and development. Each baby has a learning journal which will be a record of your child's interests, significant achievements and development. We hold two parents’ evenings per year and information is shared with parents on a daily basis.


Baby Room

Our baby room consists of sleep and play and eating area. Our Centre’s set up gives children excellent opportunities to explore the environment around them and allows for the provision of a wide range of activities throughout the day.



Babies are active learners from birth and they learn mostly through senses. In order to support the development of the senses we provided our babies with treasure baskets filled with different objects including: metal and wooden everyday objects, natural objects and different materials. We also use everyday objects coloured in high contrasting tones, black and white is the best example of this, to encourage babies to reach and explore.